An American Empire

A small war is more than just a petite battle or a smaller-scale war fought by a small number of professional U.S. soldiers; believe it or not, small wars have contributed to the solidity of America’s notable military reputation. With disregard to other theories and beliefs, America has never been an isolationist power– it has “been involved in other countries’ internal affairs since at least 1805”; America’s small wars have played a large part in the development of what author, Max Boot, calls an American Empire.

There are many people who fear American hegemony, most of these fears root from misgivings due to the cold war; unfortunately, these people are a threat to the future success in any conflict the United States may go up against. Most of the opposition consists of people who are anti-Bush, citizens who would deem their beliefs liberal, and the media who is involved in the never-ending attempt to get rid of the United States’ current administration. The United States is almost like a team, the results are positive when it works together, and there is no inner turmoil. If there is all of this upheaval among citizens, no one is going to be satisfied with the results.

The facts, reinforced by Max Boot’s novel, The Savage Wars of Peace, are that small wars are more important than we have ever known, that is if we even knew about them while they were going on; surprisingly, small wars are commonly left out of histories of the United States.

Many critics voice that the United States should mind its own business, but at the same time the whole world expects the United States to intervene when there are international issues, or provide the most aid when natural disasters in places other than the United States territory occur. Is this an equally split argument? Maybe, unless there is a blatant truth to one of the sides.

Historically, Americans have had a responsibility to free foreign nations from any negative positions they have been put in, especially if the result is greater freedom. The United States of America is a true hegemon — the United States is the largest economy and has the most powerful military. In turn, the world expects the United States to battle terrorists, provide aid for natural disasters, and ultimately save the world.

Something that critics seem to ignore is that generally, most of the occasions in of which America has intervened, it has been for idealistic and humanitarian reasons, not for what critics normally assume, big business and corporate interests. Boot identified four distinct types of small wars:

  1. Punitive, “to punish attacks on American citizens or property, Protective, “to safeguard foreign territory”,
  2. Pacification, “to occupy foreign territory”
  3. Profiteering, “To grab trade or territorial concession”.

These small wars have been fought from the Barbary Wars in the early 1800s to the Gulf War in the 1990s, to present-day America, with Iraq.

If a state or country is in need of rebuilding, inevitably, it will get there with or without the help of anyone else. However, one opinion argues that logically, the help of a mother or father nation couldn’t hurt, and the opposition is wholly against the United States intervening. Protesters cross-country in the United States are demanding that we pull our troops out of Iraq. Truthfully, if the United States pulled out prematurely, negative consequences would follow, and no one would be satisfied. Application of Boot’s theory of limited war to the current situation in Iraq could be that of a positive one. It’s time to nurture a mutually friendly, sense of equality, but strong presence in each town. Now the chances of that actually happening currently, is another story!

Max Boot, makes a lot of relevant points in his novel devoted to small wars and the rise of American power, The Savage Wars of Peace. The United States Congress has declared war against other nations on only five occasions: against Britain in 1812, Mexico in 1846, Spain in 1898, the Central Powers in 1917 and the Axis in 1941, however, administrations have committed troops to battle at least double those occasions. Therefore, it would be safe to say the United States knew a thing or two about small wars. In fact, the Marine Corps produced a Small Wars Manual which contained an action plan, using all of the principles that worked successfully in previous small wars. The manual ultimately represents the concept that when a successful project is undertaken in a village, we must spread the word to other villages much more effectively than we have been doing. In plain words, the manual stated this Government has interposed or intervened in the affairs of other states with remarkable regularity, and it may be anticipated that the same general procedure will be followed in the future. The manual, written in 1940 stated that the plan used for the previous successful small wars, would be applicable to those in the future.

Boot claims that the troops need to re-train, learning small war tactics to apply for what is ahead. The United States lost Vietnam because it tried big war tactics in an area that small war tactics would have been more beneficial. Too heavy of a military presence is not the way to go into a country; right away you are invading as opposed to helping.

The American Empire has been built from the ground up, tackling whatever has been thrown its way. Whether it has been small wars, or even civil wars. America has a duty to keep on fighting small wars to contribute to the world’s security. Boot is ultimately writing to the American public outlining what should and should not be done. The Powell Doctrine, a post-Vietnam policy that for more than 200 years, the United States military has routinely violated. After Vietnam, instead of realizing that better strategies and tactics in fighting small wars should be learned, they came to the conclusion that they should avoid fighting altogether. The Powell Doctrine on many different levels makes sense, however, it follows the post-Vietnam mindset of if war must happen, the United States must win with overwhelming force, suffer few casualties and leave immediately. When possible, that is a great theory to go by, however when battle commences, troops must be in the mindset that they are there until the job is done. At the end of his book, Boot concludes, “In deploying American power, decision makers should be less apologetic, less hesitant, less humble. Yes, there is a danger of imperial overstretch and hubris — but there is an equal, if not greater, danger of undercommitment and lack of confidence. America should not be afraid to fight `the savage wars of peace’ if necessary to enlarge the empire of liberty.’ It has done it before.”

Gay Marriages Discussed

You have definitely seen them holding hands. Sometimes, you may even see them kissing in public. You actually think nothing of it. Have you not heard people say things similar to “It’s all right with me as long as they aren’t hurting anybody .” For some, gay and lesbian public displays of love and affection are tolerable. There are others who believe that homosexuals should enjoy the same human rights as their straight counterparts. Some people however are very passionate when stating that homosexuals should truly have equal rights given to them.

However, some of these people will be speechless if you they were asked if homosexuals should be given the right to marry too. They may even answer that gay people shouldn’t be married to members of the opposite sex. Actually, more than 1/2 of the population of the US are not in favor of gay marriage despite the fact that almost 3/4 of their population supports gay rights.

Why is this the case? How can one support gay rights and totally oppose gay marriage at the same time? Probably, stereotyping plays a big role in this predicament. It is not unusual for gay people be stereotyped as being promiscuous. Some gay people appear to be too loud. One can’t help notice them in the society. Some people believe that homosexuals cannot handle relationships well. It is believed that the relationships, which homosexuals get involved in do not last long. Furthermore, some even think that such relationships are nothing serious.

It is true that some gay relationships do not last that long. However, don’t straight people engage in such relationships too? Besides, homosexuals only engage in shallow commitments during the early years of their lives. As soon as these people hit the marrying age, all they want is to find someone they can take care of and who will care for them in return. Some gay people who are already of age even complain that they can’t find members of the same sex that they can “bring home to the parents” because most of the good fish are already taken.

One must note that even homosexuals are capable of devotion, monogamy, and loyalty. You can even see gay people taking active participation in programs spearheaded by the neighborhood. Also, some homosexuals perform excellently in their field of work.

Some of you may be surprised to know that there are some benefits that will come as a result of gay marriages. What might the benefit of gay marriages be? Well, the occurrence of sexually transmitted illnesses will be minimized since the homosexuals are committed in marriage already. They will only have one sexual partner when they stick to their marriage vows. One must agree that having this benefit from gay marriages is a gift to mankind.

People are entitled to different opinions. Unfortunately, some people think that gay relationships are just about the sex. The case isn’t like this. Affection, love, and mutual attraction are the three things that homosexuals look for in a relationship. These three things are to be taken seriously. Sex is just a way to express one’s feelings for his/her partner. Definitely, it’s the same thing with heterosexuals, right?

Another reason why gay marriages encounter oppositions is that marriage, as some say, is for procreation. How can people of the same sex produce an offspring? If this is the case, should barren people be refused marriage too? This argument is surely not enough reason to stop gay people from marrying each other. Having offsprings is just one of the reasons why people get married. The most important thing is that people wishing to get married are in love and committed to each other.

Let’s say that gay couples adopt a child of their own. Some people think that gay people are not responsible enough to raise a child. Some would even say that having parents of the same sex will be unhealthy for the kid. How come pedophiles are allowed to marry and have children? They are more dangerous for the children, aren’t they? Even murderers have their own families. Why can’t gay people create their own family? Besides, it is a fact that children of gay couples are as healthy as children raised by heterosexual couples. Therefore, gay marriage could be granted if the children’s welfare and health is the issue here. Homosexuals, like heterosexuals, are just as able to provide for the needs of a child.

Also, the idea of two people of the same gender having sex is distasteful. Says who? You might be surprised to hear that some homosexuals think that sex between heterosexuals is hideous too! However, do the homosexuals say that heterosexuals should not be married? They don’t, do they?

Next, it is believed that a gay marriage will force the Church to wed couples that they have no intention of uniting in marriage. How can gay marriages force the Church? Besides, the Church can already refuse marriage to those they don’t want to wed. Some Churches can refuse marriage between couples of different religions, huge age gaps, etc. Therefore, gay marriages will not, in any way, force the Church to unite homosexual couples in marriage.

Furthermore, some believe that sex between homosexuals is quite unnatural. Surprise oh surprise! A belief in this thought will prove that a person is ignorant of the varying behavior of animals. It is a fact that homosexuality is found in a minimum of 450 species of the animal kingdom. Some animals even spurn potential heterosexual companions. Obviously, humans are not the only ones faced with the dilemma of homosexuality.

Gay marriage is something that must be given plenty of thought before one agrees or disagrees with this union. Remember that homosexuals are still human beings — capable of loving, sharing, commitment, and devotion. It is not unusual for them to request for marriage. After all, marriage is about trust, love, and companionship — something that gay people are searching for.

Cheating for Advancement

Cheating has always been associated with a negative state, and while it still is, many people who view cheating as wrong are cheating, but in their mind, they are just advancing themselves.  So what’s happening?  High school and college students alike are cheating, whether it’s plagiarizing a page to a whole essay, baseball players are on performance enhancers (steroids), attorneys are overstating their hours worked, and corporate fraud in even the highest executive level.  Judging from the kinds of problems, there are some particular reasons why cheating has increased.  New and heightened pressures, temptation, “everyone seems to be doing it”, and larger rewards for winning since a sense of fairness is gone.  Cheating now has a new connotation, the rewards are great, the chances of being caught are rare, the punishment never seems harsh enough and the very accomplishment of cheating seems to be rewarded.

While cheating is newly a big problem in the United States, it is not a new problem in general.  In the book, The Cheating Culture, author Callahan summarized a practice in Ancient Greece, “In Ancient Greece, the Olympic games were rife with cheating. Athletes lied about their amateur status, competitions were rigged, judges were bribed. Those caught were forced to pay fines to a special fund used to set up statues of Zeus. Greece ended up with a lot of statues of Zeus” (Callahan 15).  Unfortunately, it’s not a matter of statues now and cheating has become such a part of American life that it is prevalent everywhere. From government to religious institutions, from schooling to sports to medicine, it is almost assumed that everyone cheats, or will cheat, if given the mere chance.

The growing divide between the wealthy or winning class and the poor is part of what is contributing to the rise in cheating.  Callahan referenced shocking statistics in his book that could freak anyone; one that grabbed my attention was that “the top 1 percent of Americans now holds nearly 40 percent of all household wealth” which is “more wealth than the bottom 90 percent of households put together” (Callahan 67).  Those numbers seem out of this world, how could the top 1 percent singly possess the amount of the bottom 90 percent combined?  One has to remember that the so-called “bottom 90 percent” also includes the top 50 percent, or even the top 20%– still dominated by the top 1 percent.  The citizens of the United States in particular seem to be infatuated with money, luxury and worldly possessions.  Why is it more now, than ever?  Maybe it is because everyone is watching the celebrities, Donald Trump has filed Chapter 11 over 9 times and is currently a billionaire, the majority of rappers make loads of money, and spend it ridiculously on the twenty television screens in their H2 Hummer that gets 8 miles to the gallon.  These people are portrayed to have no worries because of their supposed financial security.  People cheat because they think it is the way to obtain what they want.  If one desires a pair of Chanel sunglasses, the typical action would be to go to the store and purchase them, however the new ‘get-ahead American mind’ looks at it in the sense that, if they steal the sunglasses, then they won’t be out the $400 it would have cost.

High school students are being pressured all of the time.  They want to get into a top tier college, however that requires good SAT scores and an extraordinary grade point average—not to mention a lot of parents have high expectations that are sometimes not realistic.  Students sometimes relate not getting a good grade or passing a test automatically to not getting into a good college and inevitably having no choice but to work at McDonalds.  Even farther on the scale, resumes are being lied on.  All of these lies are now viewed as getting ahead instead of what they ultimately are, cheating.

Tax evasion by the rich is widespread and when the rich fail to claim the correct amounts, the average taxpayer has to come up with the extra money to cover the shortfall.  Lying or fibbing on your taxes sounds so harmless, but it’s not!  When one lies, an honest person gets pushed out of what they deserve.

The same concepts are seen in Major League Baseball.  A couple of players start doing steroids, they are the ones who are hitting all of the record-breaking hits and runs, and all of a sudden—competition is fierce because the playing ground is not level.

Reporters and journalists, whose work is their writing, have been caught plagiarizing and fabricating stories.  They are doing all of these unethical things just to get ahead and be the best, by far.  It seems as though that is what everyone is trying to be, the very best.  However, they are trying to accomplish this feat by cheating.  Cheating is overall diminishing trust and loyalty throughout the United States, and compromises our value sets.  When the going gets tough, one has to stop and evaluate their situation; can one go on being ethical, and not cheating, or is the chance of them falling behind in the scheme of things to risky?  For more and more honest people, they are realizing that if they do not start cheating like the others, then they will be left behind.

While Callahan’s book The Cheating Culture is a good one, the cheating issue is so straightforward that his book seems to constantly talk about the same issues every other chapter, baseball players, high school students, CEO’s, lawyers, all lying and cheating their ways to the top.  The good news is that Callahan put forth some ideas, or suggestions for improvement.  Callahan’s first suggestion is to invest in education and job training to make sure that everyone can compete in the post-industrial economy.  Secondly, to make work pay off by increasing the minimum wage and making sure it adjusts with inflation.  Third of all, greatly expand access to higher education such as college, trade schools and graduate school.  Fourth, reassure citizens by reducing their insecurities such as health care, dental plan, etc.  Lastly, monitor where political influence starts and ends.

Once again, cheating is overall diminishing trust and loyalty throughout the United States, and compromises our value sets.  The Cheating Culture ultimately has to do with integrity, and our country as a whole has lost touch with that concept.  Everything has turned competitive, which leads to lying and cheating.  This needs to be addressed and punishments must be increased.  Ask yourself this, in order to save yourself a little extra money, would you cheat on your taxes? Would you cheat on your taxes if the chance of being caught was equivalent to being struck by lightning?  Many people view it that way, and that is why all of these fearless money gatherers are doing what they are doing today.