Hard Working Shoes Can Smell

Hard working shoes, depending on their use will eventually develop a certain unpleasant odor.

Feet like most other parts of our body will sweat to produce a cooling sensation. The thousands of glands in our feet can produce nearly a cup of sweat a day which is essentially of salty water. Our feet also host a couple of types of cute bacterial organisms which, as all other creatures, deserve to exist.
These organisms feed constantly on the sweat the glands of our feet produce and body odor is the byproduct of these bacterial organisms releasing gases.
Interestingly enough, different kinds of bacteria live off our body producing different types of odors. The feet probably give off the most pungent odor.

So, hard working shoes have been on the job day after day and an occasional wash in the clothes washer is a wonderful idea; hot water of course. Washing may promote the break down a bit the life span of the shoe’s composition.
In between washes, spray rubbing alcohol into the shoes to kill the bacteria and eliminate the odor. Do not be shy to just dump a lot of alcohol into the shoes. Soak them and dry them in the sun.

Tip for leather shoes:
The above method of cleansing, minus the washing machine, also works for leather shoes.
Leather shoes can sometimes be a bit tight when first purchased.
Soak them inside with rubbing alcohol where they seem tight and then wear them while wet.

Doing this 2 or 3 times will stretch them to the contour of your feet.

Bad Breath / Halitosis

Bad breath, can be a byproduct of food consumption such as garlic, onions and the sort residing in the stomach. It can also be generated by medications taken.
Blausen_0860_Tonsils&Throat_Anatomy_webHalitosis is caused mainly by volatile sulfur compounds (VSCs) such as H(2)S and CH(3)SH produced in the mouth. Interestingly, eating makes the mouth more acidic reducing the smell.

Besides the above reasons, bad breath most likely originates from organisms growing on the very back of the tongue and a tongue scraper can be beneficial for this situation.
Start scraping as far back as possible. The scraper shownTounge-Scraper_web2 is a fancy one but there are different kinds on the market.

Crest Pro Health

The better mouth washes will have zinc and cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC) to fight the smelly bacteria.

Decay in the teeth can also trigger bad breath and this can easily be prevented by scheduled
periodic checkups with your dentist.

Other causes can be attributed to chronic sinus infections or kidney desease. Doctors in Europe have been able to detect certain cancers from the breath of their patients.

5 Ways to Avoid Calf Cramps

If you are a runner, then I am sure that you will know about calf cramps.

Imagine this scenario if you will. Let’s say that you are 7.5k into a 10k run and the road starts to incline. Ever so slightly, but enough to put that extra strain on your legs as you try to maintain contact with the leaders. And the temperature? Well, it’s the morning, but it’s hot and liable to get hotter before the end. And to make matters worse, you were so desperate to maintain contact with the leading group, that you forgot to take on liquid at the last feeding station. And did you use tight fitting calf length socks? I know they are all the rage, but why did you do it?

So what do we have here?

  • Extra strain on muscles?
  • Dehydration?
  • Loss of essentials salts?
  • Restriction of blood flow?

All in all, I think that we are describing running calf cramps, waiting to happen.

I am not sure that anyone has definitive answer to the cause of cramps, but there are certainly several steps that you can take which could help save you from disaster during competition, in any sport.

1. A Proper Warm Up

Ok, I know you know, but did you do it? If not, then those cramps could be coming. Seriously, if you have been involved in any sport to any level, then you will be aware of the importance of a proper warm up. And I don’t just mean a brisk walk up the stairs to the changing room either! A proper warm up should include a routine that gently stretches your muscles to get them ready for the increased exertion, and gets your blood flowing around your body. Not only will a warm help prevent calf cramps, they will also help prevent some of the injuries that might occur when you put sudden strain on cold muscles.

And whilst we are talking of warm ups, don’t forget warm downs as well. Warming down after exercise can also help prevent cramping and reduce the risk of injury.

2. Train Hard, Run Easy

Have you heard this before? No? Well you should give it some thought, because it’s true. When you train for a sport, not only do you practice the necessary skills required to execute which ever event you are competing in, but you are also training your body for the rigours of the event. To given an exaggerated example, if you train for a sprint, and then try and run a marathon, your body won’t be ready. If you try it, I think you could be in for some serious cramps.

Remember, train hard, run easy.

3. Water is Sport’s Life Blood

Whenever you start to exercise, you start to sweat (or you should). Sweat is nature’s way of cooling you down when you get hot, so, it’s a good thing. And since your body is mainly made of water, then you should have plenty, shouldn’t you? Well, considering that you lose moisture from your body when you breathe, sweating does take a lot of fluid out of your system.

And your body will demand that it be replaced!

If you start feeling dizzy, or experience a rapid heart beat, then these could be signs that you are starting to dehydrate. I will take it as read that if your mouth and lips feel dry, then you should be taking water on board. It is not always possible to take on fluid during sport, but always have some available as soon as you are able to drink.

4. Sport Ain’t No Catwalk.

It’s true! Sport is not a fashion parade. If you think it is, then you are hanging out in the wrong place! There’s nothing wrong with looking cool whilst you compete, but be practical. Don’t risk injury (or cramps) by wearing clothing that is too tight, and that restricts your body’s movement, either externally or via blood flow. Believe me, I know. When I was younger, I used tie up’s on my socks whilst playing soccer (not as a fashion statement you’ll understand), just to keep my socks up and my shin guards inside my socks. Three quarters of the way through a game, my calves would tighten up, and I would roll on the floor in agony. Once it was understood, that I ‘only had cramp’, I was the object of much derision, but believe me, cramp is far from funny if you are the one suffering.

Wear appropriate clothing.

5. Eat Properly.

When you are sweating and working hard, not only do you lose water, you also lose nutrients. There is speculation that that athletes who get calf cramps could suffer from low levels of potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus. I am not suggesting that you do low level analysis of your breakfast cereal, but the message is clear. Look after your body, and your body will look after you.

Eat sensibly, and eat the right foods.

The Immediate Benefits of Quitting Smoking

When smokers quit, within twenty minutes of smoking that last cigarette the body begins a series of changes!

At 20 minutes after quitting:

  • Blood pressure decreases
  • Pulse rate drops
  • Body temperature of hands and feet increases

At 8 hours:

  • Carbon monoxide level in blood drops to normal
  • Oxygen level in blood increases to normal

At 24 hours:

  • Chance of a heart attack decreases

At 48 hours:

  • Nerve endings start regrowing
  • Ability to smell and taste is enhanced
  • Shortness of breath decreases

At 2 weeks to 3 months:

  • Circulation improves
  • Walking becomes easier
  • Lung function increases

1 to 9 months:

  • Coughing, sinus congestion, fatigue, shortness of breath decreases even more

1 year:

  • Excess risk of coronary heart disease is decreased to half that of a smoker

At 5 years:

  • From 5 to 15 years after quitting, stroke risk is reduced to that of people who have never smoked

At 10 years:

  • Risk of lung cancer drops to as little as one-half that of continuing smokers
  • Risk of cancer of the mouth, throat, esophagus, bladder, kidney, and pancreas decreases
  • Risk of ulcer decreases

At 15 years:

  • Risk of coronary heart disease is now similar to that of people who have never smoked
  • Risk of death returns to nearly the level of people who have never smoked

Different Types of Yoga

You have to admit, you get stressed once in a while if not all the time.  It can be because of so many things in your life such as problems in work, relationship, family, and even your own self. When this happens, it can affect your physical and mental well-being. When you let this get the best of you, you can lose your job, boyfriend or girlfriend, and a whole lot more. In worst cases, you may even lose yourself.

This can all be prevented if you know the right way to release these negative energies inside your body. If you are one of these people, then Yoga is the best solution to your problems.

Yoga is an old form of stretching exercise which is believed to come from the civilization of the Indus-Sarasvati in ancient India.  This word was mentioned first in their oldest sacred documents called Rig Veda.  Aside from yoga, it also included most of the rituals and songs of Vedic priests known as Brahmans.  As time passed by, these intellectuals developed and refined the practice and even wrote it in Yogic scriptures, the most well-known was the Bhagavad Gita. They also taught karman and jnana yoga, which are teachings about action and knowledge respectively.

In the classical period, yoga was presented in the document called Patanjali’s Yoga-Sutras.   Considered as the father of yoga, it talked about the path leading to Raja Yoga, which was also referred to as classical yoga.   The text also improved the “eight limbed path” practice. With this, they taught the steps to commit enlightenment or Samadhi.

After the classical times came the post-classical period. It differed with the previous times because its focus was on rejuvenating the body and prolonging life.  They also believed that the body was a tool to reach enlightenment.   In this time, they created Tantra Yoga which contained methods to cleanse the mind as well as body.   Because of their concentration on body and mind as well as physical and mental connections, they were able to develop the Hatha yoga.

Between the 1800s and 1900s, the scholars or yoga masters decided to spread their knowledge about their exercise.  They traveled to the west where they gained a number of followers.

During 1920, the Hatha yoga became more popular in India because of T. Krishnamacharya.  He was the one who made an effort to reach all corners of the country to teach the exercise and the different yoga poses.  After some time, he was able to establish his Hatha Yoga School.  His students who helped him spread the exercise were Pattabhi Jois, T.K.V. Desikachar, as well as B.K.S. Iyengar. The popularity of yoga became more known to the Western world when Indra Devi established her Yoga school there in 1947.

Since its creation a thousand years ago, yoga has evolved and now has many types.  Among the most famous practices is the old teaching of Hatha Yoga. If you are a beginner at yoga, this is most definitely the exercise for you. The reason for this is that it introduces the yoga’s basic poses or asanas. In addition, Hatha yoga classes are usually have a slow pace and are gentle to the mind and even body. It also allows you to perfect your body by perfecting your mind.   This exercise can even help you with your breathing and meditating techniques.

Vinyasa yoga means movements that are breath synchronized.  Just like the famous Hatha yoga, it includes a lot of classes.  Its movements, which are more vigorous in style and form, are copied from the Sun Salutations.  This is a series of asanas wherein the breathing is matched with the exercises you do in class. An ordinary class of Vinyasa yoga usually begins with different Sun salutation poses so your body will be warmed up.  It is followed by a number of stretching exercises which will usually last until the end of your lesson.

Ashtanga, also known as eight limbed in Sanskrit language, is another type of yoga exercise that is fast-paced and really intense compared to others.  In just a short amount of time, you are required to go from one yoga pose to another. The act is known in yoga as Pose.  As such, it will really demand your physical and mental energy.  Nowadays, this has become the basis of Power yoga.  Although a bit different, the class still teaches Ashtanga’s flowing style.

As one of the students of yoga master T. Krishnamacharya, B.K.S Iyengar was able to develop his own kind of exercise. Based on his teachings, it is called Iyengar and its main focus is on the body alignment.  In simple words, it means that your body must be aligned the right way so you can maximize the positive benefits of yoga as well as avoid being injured.  When you are practicing this yoga exercise, you will be asked to stay in one yoga pose for a while. In addition, it also uses props like blankets, mats, socks, etc.

Kundalini is another yoga exercise which emphasizes breath and movement.  Its purpose is to move your energy from your lower body to release it to your upper half. Unlike other yoga exercises which require you to control your breathing.  Kundalini allows you to explore your breaths in various poses.

Bikram or Hot Yoga was developed by Bikram Choudhury.  It got its name because this exercise is done in a hot room, preferably 95 to 100 degrees.  This is done to loosen your tight muscles as well as cleanse your body through sweating.  It is usually composed of 26 poses; however, not all classes practice all of these.

With all the types of yoga exercise you can try out, you can relieve yourself of stress.  Aside from that, you can become a happier and healthier person inside and out.