Bad Breath / Halitosis

Bad breath, can be a byproduct of food consumption such as garlic, onions and the sort residing in the stomach. It can also be generated by medications taken.
Blausen_0860_Tonsils&Throat_Anatomy_webHalitosis is caused mainly by volatile sulfur compounds (VSCs) such as H(2)S and CH(3)SH produced in the mouth. Interestingly, eating makes the mouth more acidic reducing the smell.

Besides the above reasons, bad breath most likely originates from organisms growing on the very back of the tongue and a tongue scraper can be beneficial for this situation.
Start scraping as far back as possible. The scraper shownTounge-Scraper_web2 is a fancy one but there are different kinds on the market.

Crest Pro Health

The better mouth washes will have zinc and cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC) to fight the smelly bacteria.

Decay in the teeth can also trigger bad breath and this can easily be prevented by scheduled
periodic checkups with your dentist.

Other causes can be attributed to chronic sinus infections or kidney desease. Doctors in Europe have been able to detect certain cancers from the breath of their patients.

One thought on “Bad Breath / Halitosis”

  1. Bad breath is very common and ordinary most common mouth fresheners / mouth washes are enough to fight the smell but you can always consult to a doctor or a dentist if you have any doubts.

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